Wednesday, December 15, 2010


November 16th - Kaylie has kind of outgrown her naps but today she must have been extra tired. Although she usually falls asleep on Sundays on the way to Grandma and Grandpa Roberts house. She fell asleep on the couch watching her show after Jayla left at 5 p.m. I got to snag a picture of Brycen interested in something. Maybe it was a spider that came in. I have no idea. I couldn't figure out what he was doing on the floor.

November 18th - I feel so blessed today for the technology we have and the good medical care we have. I took Kaylie for a follow-up visit at Primary Children's Hospital after her surgery in June on her urinary reflux. It is all healed and we don't have to back. Yeah!!! I have a great appreciation for my parents and all the time they spent at the hospital with me through my surgeries. While we were at the doctors and they were putting in her IV Kaylie cried like crazy of course but kept yelling to them, "Thank you, doctor!" It made all the nurses kind of laugh. They tried not to laugh and just smiled. I don't know if she was saying that because she thought it would make them stop doing what they had to do. I don't know.Kaylie is so imaginative. She loves pretending that she is either the mom or the baby with the daycare kids that I have over. Xander is always the dad of course. The girls switch off being mom and baby. I listen when they play and it makes me realize what kind of mom I am when I hear them try to pretend they are moms. All I can say it that I probably need to work on my tone of voice and maybe be a little more patient. Isn't that what we all have to do as parents.She also loves to pretend she is a dog and gets down on hands and knees and barks. She does this with Brycen more. It is funny. They pretend to feed each other. Sometimes if they have a cup of crushed ice they throw some on the carpet, one at a time, and say "here doggy" and the other one eats it with just their mouth. Not too sanitary but hilarious.

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