Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The other night we were driving back from eating dinner at the Roberts and Kaylie told me that she wanted me to take her lips off. It made me laugh. Her lips were chapped and she didn't want them to hurt. Oh, how I wish I could hurt for her instead of her hurting. She is a doll.

Brycen is learning so many words. He calls shoes like you are telling someone to be quiet - SHHHHHHHHHH! It is too funny. He calls Tony "DA", not dad or daddy, its DA!

I love it when Tony comes home from work each night and they race each other to the top of the stairs and see dad. They love him so much. What a good dad he is to them I love you babe! You are awesome.

It is cute in the morning. Tony usually takes his bowl of cereal with him to eat on the way to work (I know not the safest) but Brycen seems to sneak a bite of it while dad is getting ready to go out the door. I know Tony loves it.